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Recently, the Hunan Provincial Department of Science and Technology issued a public notice on the establishment of the 2023 Hunan Provincial Engineering Technology Research Center. MedGence was approved to establish the Hunan Provincial Artificial Intelligence Traditional Chinese Medicine New Drug Development and Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment Engineering Technology Research Center.

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The Hunan Engineering Technology Research Center is a technology platform with strong research and development capabilities in related industries within the province. It has a first-class professional technical team for engineering technology research, development, design, and testing, which has a significant driving effect on the development of this industry and a self beneficial development mechanism. We will mainly focus on the social and economic development needs of the whole province, improve the overall scientific and technological level of the industry through the research and development of common and key technologies, explore new models of industry university research combined innovation, accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises.

Post time: Dec-27-2023